Welcome to the Tribe

My name is Nicolas. I have been creating content since March 29th, 2015.

I am a passionate nerd who streams 5 days a week on Twitch and uploads 2 videos a week to YouTube. You can usually catch me live from 5pm PDT and in to the late evening. The best way to stay up to date with me is to check out my twitter or join our community discord.

Here I aim to art, game and entertain. My goal is to entertain a respectful and influential community. "We Succeed Together".
I live on the west coast of Canada in Vancouver, B.C. with my 2 partners in crime... my cat and dog. Feel free to join us and be part of our tribe.




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Twitch Vancouver Community Meetup is a non-profit group hosting fun, social events for content creators, game developers, industry professionals, gamers, creatives, and fans in beautiful Vancouver, BC. They were the first city to host a Twitch meetup back in early 2015, helping to shape the official Twitch Meetup program for other cities around the world to operate under.

The events continue to grow, start new conversations, facilitate partnerships, and bring together the most passionate community of creators you can imagine.
From 2016 to 2019 I have been the live stream host of this event. Maybe you have seen me on the Twitch Front page before!


More about me

I am a partnered full-time streamer on Twitch who likes to regularly upload YouTube videos.

I enjoy a wide variety of games, foods, cultures and making terrible jokes.
I began creating content as an escape from tough times and found a new passion in what I call my job today.

Ook means family, Ook means loyalty and most importantly... Ook means banana.

Our community is our tribe. Join us today and raise your potassium levels.
